Family planning (FP) is one of the four pillars of the Safe Motherhood Initiative to reduce maternal and infant morbidity and mortality in developing countries. Evidence suggests that addressing the unmet needs of women could reduce the following: i
By integrating family planning (FP) services with CiVHSND, we can extend comprehensive support to women throughout various life stages, particularly the first year postpartum, which has the highest unmet need. This integration creates a chance to address any missed opportunities and enhance overall reproductive and maternal healthcare.
For couples susceptible to discontinuing or resorting to traditional methods due to limited access, CiVHSNDs offer a consistent and reliable source of modern family planning options. This fosters responsible family planning practices and also minimizes reliance on less efficacious alternatives. Moreover, CiVHSNDs constitute an ideal platform to engage families of malnourished or stunted children. Through focused counselling, these families can be educated on the crucial role of birth spacing in enhancing maternal and child health, particularly by optimizing nutrition and promoting optimal growth.
This document describes the design, strategies and processes involved in facilitating effective integration of FP in CiVHSND to minimize missed opportunities when women are likely to seek other services at a time when they have an unmet need for contraception.
i. Adding it up: Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health 2019: Guttmacher Institute
Previous version of the Knowledge Brief available here.