PAHAL Issue 21

This issue of PAHAL serves as a comprehensive reflection of UP-TSU’s support to GoUP spanning facility enhancements, systemic reforms, and community outreach initiatives. Through this, we have endeavoured to address the diverse challenges impeding equitable healthcare access for all.

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PAHAL Issue 20

The 20th edition of the PAHAL is a 5-year milestone edition and is a testament to our team’s dedication and hard work as we continue to support GoUP towards making strides in public health at the facility, system, and community levels. This edition showcases some of the key initiatives that have been driving positive change in our organization and the communities we serve.

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Evidence Based Case Study of Digital D2C Platform

The Directorate of Medical Health launched the “Rakshak” D2C campaign, with UPTSU’s support, in 18 high-risk LF districts to combat Lymphatic Filariasis. The primary goal was to boost awareness, dispel myths, and improve medicine adherence in rural and urban areas. The note highlights how digital segmentation was used for personalized messaging. The campaign also focused on enhancing ASHA workers’ skills for better community mobilization and counselling efforts.

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This issue provides an update on UP-TSU’s efforts in integrating the Gender e-module in SBA training, a feedback workshop with Government of Uttar Pradesh health officials by medical college RRTC faculty members and support Monitoring and Evaluation division of National Health Mission on capacity building workshop for State/Division/District officials to improve data-driven decision-making.

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PAHAL Issue 17

This edition focuses on the support provided by UP TSU to the Government of Uttar Pradesh in developing guidelines to provide beneficiary centric antenatal care through the community platform and its quality certification and the systemic effort to converge the services by ASHA-AWW area alignment in each of the revenue villages. UP TSU is committed to providing state-wide roll-out support.

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