PAHAL Issue 22

The summer edition of this year’s PAHAL newsletter, highlights the remarkable progress UP-TSU has made in supporting the Health Department to advance public health across community, facility, and system levels in Uttar Pradesh.

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Scale up of Skilled Birth Attendant Training in Uttar Pradesh: A Cluster- based Model Approach

The Government of Uttar Pradesh (GoUP) is committed to ensure universal coverage of all births with skilled attendance with the aim to reduce the number of maternal and newborn deaths in the state. UPTSU supported GoUP in this endeavour. This brief highlights the cluster model approach adopted by UPTSU in scaling up the SBA training in the state.

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PAHAL Video Magazine 2023

The PAHAL 2023 video newsletter dives into how UP TSU supported the GoUP at community, facility and system levels to bring healthcare impact in the areas of MNCH, Nutrition, Family Planning and Health Systems Strengthening

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Innovation Hub Strategy for Madhya Pradesh (2023 – 2026)

The Innovation Hub Strategy for Madhya Pradesh brief describes the IHAT-IGPH strategy for Madhya Pradesh. The overarching purpose of IHAT’s work is to catalyse the state’s response to reduce inequity in access to and utilization of critical interventions that impact population-level health outcomes, with a primary focus on health systems strengthening, reproductive, maternal newborn and child health (RMNCH) and Tuberculosis. 

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PAHAL Issue 19

The 19th edition of the PAHAL newsletter provides updates on UP-TSU’s efforts in strengthening the SBA recruitment process through digitalisation, digitally enabling FLWs with eKavach implementation improving the health data quality across all 18 divisions of the state, and other key activities.

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